Schneider Messtechnik
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FabricanteDr. Heinrich Schneider Messtechnik GmbH
Grupo de producto Microscopio medidor | Microscopios medidores
Nombre del productoWerkstattmikroskop WM1 G
Información técnica
Rango de medición XYZmm WM1 707 G Translated with DeepL700 x 700 x 200 mm
Rango de medición XYZmm WM1 710 G Translated with DeepL700 x 1000 x 200 mm
Rango de medición XYZmm WM1 715 G Translated with DeepL700 x 1500 x 200 mm
Precise high-tech measurement machine for the measurement of large-scaled: • stamped parts • milled parts • plastic parts • rubber parts • boards The WM1 G series is build on the principle "customisation by design": models can be really adapted to fit your needs. With the inherently rigid granite base and a compact and ergonomic design, It is fully configurable to suit any budget. With WM1 G, we have complemented the upper range of our successful series WM1 with a real heavyweight. This hightech tool is THE answer to all your “large-scale” metrological needs – more than 1000 devices sold worldwide speak for themselves! As is customary at Schneider Messtechnik, client needs and expectations were kept in clear focus throughout the development process: A flexible approach to client-specific requirements was as much a matter of course as an ergonomic design ensuring userfriendly operation as well clear cost structures for an affordable investment. Standard features: • SAPHIR measurement and analysis software • 3-axis CNC control • High-resolution CCD matrix-array camera • Fixed lens with 1.5-fold magnifi cation (approx. 39-fold magnification on the screen) • LED ring light for incident light illumination, 4 sectors and 1 ring − separately switchable • Precision measurement stage made of granite • Diode laser installed as a positioning aid • Joystick for axis control (fast/slow speed selection) • TFT flat screen monitor • Optional: - Touch-trigger (tactile) probe TP200 - Motorised zoom lens 0.58x-7x, 8 steps, incl. coaxial incident light illumination - 4-step zoom lens with a fi eld of view of up to 65 x 55 mm - Fixed lens with large fi eld of view

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