Seguidores 371Seguidores
FabricanteDr. Heinrich Schneider Messtechnik GmbH
Grupo de producto Máquina de medición de ondas | Máquinas de medición de ondas
Nombre del productoWellenmessmaschine WMM 600 bis WMM 2200
Información técnica
Rango de medición - Longitud
Translated with DeepL600 bis 1200 mm
Rango de medición - Diámetro
Translated with DeepL200 / 400 mm
All in one - the WMM series reduce your throughput times!
With the standard machines from the WMM series, you have the ability to measure rotationally symmetrical parts up to 450 mm in length and a maximum diameter of 150 mm. In just one operation, lengths and diameters, radii, angles, chamfers, as well as all the required geometric and positional tolerances, can be identifi ed, measured and reported.
Advantages of the WMM series
• Fully integrated CNC rotation axis with holder for SK40, SK50, HSK63 or support of a customer-specifi c interface
• Sector incident light for measuring bores, grooves, oil channel bores, blind holes and milling contours
• Optionally with a touch-trigger or scanning probe for special form measurements, such as gears, non-cylindrically symmetric contours, impellor wheels, etc.
• Digitisation and best-fi t for 2D and 3D measurements
• Optionally available: Fixturing/holding tools such as live and dead centres in standard and special designs, precision vices and chucks, female centres, etc.
• SAPHIR shaft – the shaft measurement software is setting the standard
Special features for the WMM series
• Measurement length up to 2200 mm and diameter up to 400 mm
• Ultra-fast measurement technology thanks to triggered measurements with a high-resolution CCD matrix camera and live images
• High-precision measurement of lengths through camera focal axis, even outside the middle axis
• Teach-in programming
• Automatic generation of a measurement log with table and graphics, as well as initial sample test report according to VDA
• Special customer-specifi c solutions available