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Via Selvaregina, 30

22063 Cantù (CO)


+39 031 70 70 200

+39 031 71 59 11

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BLM S.P.A. (Muttergesellschaft) (Administración)

Via Selvaregina 30

22063 Cantù


+39 031 7070200

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ADIGE S.P.A. (Fábrica)

Via per Barco 11

38056 Levico Terme (TN)


+39 0461 729000

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ADIGE-SYS S.P.A. (Fábrica)

Viale Venezia 84/B

38056 Levico Terme (TN)


+39 0461 729300

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BLM Group Deutschland GmbH (Oficina de ventas)

Alfred Nobel Str. 8

59423 Unna


+49 (0)2303 986060

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BLM GROUP USA Corporation (Oficina de ventas)

29380 Beck Road Wixom

48393 Beck Road Wixom

Estados Unidos de América

+1 (248) 560 0080

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BLM GROUP do Brasil Ltda (Oficina de ventas)

Rua Luiz Vaz de Camões, nº 311, Cumbica

07210-007 Guarulhos


+55 (11) 49678500

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BLM GROUP UK Ltd. (Oficina de ventas)

4 Ampthill Business Park Ampthill, beds

MK45 2QW beds

Gran Bretaña

+44 (01525) 402 555

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BLM GROUP MEXICO SA DE CV (Oficina de ventas)

Circuito Ingenieros # 39 Oficina D-6 - Col. Ciudad Satèlite

53100 Naucalpan de Juàre


+52 (55) 5374 0819

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BLM GROUP China Co., Ltd. (Oficina de ventas)

N°6088, Humin Road

29F Shanghai


+86 (021) 5446 1669

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