VDMA e. V.
Lyoner Str. 18
60528 Frankfurt
Postfach 71 08 64
60498 Frankfurt
Phone 49 69 66 03 0
Fax 49 69 66 03 15 11
E-mail kommunikation@vdma.org
Internet http://www.vdma.org
President Karl Haeusgen
Managing Director Thilo Brodtmann
Register of associations at the local court Frankfurt am Main, No. VR4278
Lyoner Str. 18
60528 Frankfurt
Postfach 71 08 64
60498 Frankfurt
Phone 49 69 66 03 0
Fax 49 69 66 03 15 11
E-mail kommunikation@vdma.org
Internet http://www.vdma.org
President Karl Haeusgen
Managing Director Thilo Brodtmann
Register of associations at the local court Frankfurt am Main, No. VR4278