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technotrans SE Productos

Cooling and Temperature Control Solutions

technotrans AG
Instalaciones de depuración de refrigerantes y lubricantes, bombas, filtros, máquinas centrifugadoras


PREPARATION AND FILTRATION OF COOLING LUBRICANTS The modular technotrans toolsmart.line is a requirement-orientated combination of efficient, multi-stage filtration and powerful cooling technology. Process-driven printing stages and innovative measuring and dosing system ensure full capacity. The compact and ergonomic design of this unit enables the easy addition to existent systems. toolsmart.bt - basic version toolsmart.cp - compact design toolsmart.xt - modular and flexible toolsmart OFFERS FLEXIBLE PROCESS SOLUTIONS IN SPACE-SAVING COMBINATION UNITS Equipment & features: ? preparation for 1 - 2 tooling machines ? compact design with cabinet/tank combination ? tank sizes up to 4,000 litres ? filter performance up to 750 l/min ? dual-function refrigeration compressor for cooling an heating up to 20 kW Advantages at a glance: ? can be combined with standard filtration units ? for use with demanding materials, such as steel, aluminium ? practice-oriented design and handling ? equipment options with refrigeration up to 20kW, mixing, filter stages, refilling device and skimmer