Advanced Shopfloor Management
Advanced Shopfloor Management
Necessary Tools and Data on the Machine at all Times
When processes and data exchange are viewed on the shopfloor, TDM forms the central key position between ERP, PLM/CAM, MES applications, and machining on the machine:
Fixtures, gauges & calibration equipment:
TDM offers a fixture management module and also gauges and calibration equipment organization. Therefore, comprehensive pro- duction resource management is possible on the shopfloor, and the continuous in- spection and documentation of fixtures and gauge and calibration equipment is ensured.
Order-oriented tool preparation:
Tool lists from NC programming are availa- ble on the shopfloor via TDM. With the tool calculation, TDM determins which tools actually need to be prepared, which are al- ready on the machine, and which are being disassembled. In the end, the right tools are on the right machine at the right time.
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