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Máquinas usadas Clippers

Clippers are electrical devices used for cutting hair or fur. They are used in various fields, such as hairdressers, in animal care or even in the medical field. In the field of animal care, clippers are used to shear or trim the fur of animals such as dogs, horses or sheep. For this purpose, there are special animal hair clippers that have different attachments and blades to trim the hair to the desired length. These clippers are usually more powerful and robust than clippers for human use. In hairdressing, clippers are used for hair removal or for cutting contours. Here, there are also different blades and attachments to shorten the hair to the desired length or to precisely work on certain areas. In the medical field, clippers are used to remove hair before surgeries to reduce germ exposure and improve wound healing. Overall, clippers are a useful tool in various fields to trim and groom hair or fur.

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