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Máquinas usadas H-Frame Toggle Lever Presses for Cold Flow Solid Forming

Double column toggle presses are also widely used for cold solid forming of metal parts. Cold forging refers to the process of forming metal at room temperature, as opposed to hot or warm forging where the metal is heated to high temperatures. Cold forging is often used for the production of smaller metal parts such as screws, bolts, nuts and fasteners. Two-column toggle presses are well suited for this type of application because they provide high precision and repeatability, and ensure even force distribution on the workpiece. The two-column toggle press for cold forging has a special die holder and feeder to bring the material into the press. A typical process is the production of screws and bolts. In this process, a wire is fed into the press and formed by the toggle mechanism to form the thread and head of the bolt. Knuckle-joint presses for cold forming are available in various sizes and capacities and can be customized to meet specific customer requirements. They offer high productivity and efficiency and are widely used in many industries, including automotive, aerospace, electronics and home appliance manufacturing.

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Presses with mechanical driving