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Máquinas usadas Tube Bending machines

Pipe bending machines are machine tools used for bending pipes or profiles. They are used in the metalworking industry to bend tubes or profiles into a variety of shapes and angles, such as U-shaped, V-shaped or circular bends. Pipe bending machines are usually equipped with CNC controls to ensure precise and repeatable bends. There are various types of tube bending machines, such as hydraulic tube bending machines, mechanical tube bending machines, electromechanical tube bending machines and CNC controlled tube bending machines. Hydraulic pipe bending machines use hydraulic cylinders to bend the pipe, while mechanical pipe bending machines use levers and gears. Electromechanical tube bending machines combine the advantages of both systems and use both hydraulics and electric motors. CNC-controlled tube bending machines are the most advanced machines available on the market and can usually bend tubes with complex shapes and angles, using digital control to automate and monitor the bending process.