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Máquinas usadas Tractor and agricultural trailers for operations

Tractors and agricultural trailers are important machines and equipment in agriculture. A tractor is a vehicle specifically designed for agricultural tasks such as plowing, fertilizing, harvesting, mowing, and transporting materials and loads around the farm or field. Tractors are manufactured in a variety of sizes and power levels to meet the needs of different farming operations. Agricultural trailers are towed behind a tractor or other farm vehicle and are used to transport a variety of materials and products, such as grain, hay, feed, fertilizer, soil and livestock. There are several types of agricultural trailers, such as dump trailers, platform trailers, transport trailers and slurry tankers, all of which are specifically designed for various agricultural tasks. Tractors and farm trailers are important to agricultural operations because they can increase labor efficiency and boost productivity. They can also help reduce the physical strain on workers by carrying heavy loads and getting the job done faster. In many cases, they are essential to running a profitable farming operation.

Categoría principal
Agricultural machinery