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Máquinas usadas Electroplating & Treatment Lines

Electroplating, also known as galvanizing, is a process for producing a thin layer of metal on the surface of a workpiece by electrolysis. In this process, the workpiece is immersed as a cathode in a solution containing metal ions and an electrical voltage is applied. The metal ions are then deposited onto the surface of the workpiece by the electrical charge, creating a thin layer of metal. Electroplating can be applied to a variety of materials, including metals, plastics and ceramics. Plating can serve a variety of purposes, such as improving corrosion resistance, wear resistance or electrical conductivity of the surface. It can also be used to provide aesthetic enhancements by applying a glossy or colored coating. The choice of metal for coating depends on the specific application. Examples of commonly used metals include copper, nickel, chrome, zinc and gold. The thickness of the plating can also vary depending on how much the surface properties need to be improved. Electroplating is a widely used process in industry and is used in the manufacture of components for various industries such as electronics, automotive and aerospace.

Coating Line SULZER V10/W16-Al-ZKG
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Coating Line SULZER V10/W16-Al-ZKG
Electroplating & Treatment Lines