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Máquinas usadas Involute Testers

Involute testers are special testers used to check the accuracy of involute splines. Involute splines are a type of spline in which the teeth of a spline have a conical shape called an involute. Involute testers can be used to check a variety of parameters, including contour, flank shape and angular accuracy. These testers are usually equipped with advanced measurement and control systems that allow them to make fast and accurate measurements. Involute testers are often used in the manufacture of gears and other precision-engineered parts to ensure that parts meet specifications and function properly. They are also commonly used in workshops and laboratories involved in the maintenance and repair of gears and other parts. It is important to note that involute testers must be regularly maintained and calibrated to ensure that results are reliable. In addition, operators should carefully read and understand the operating instructions to ensure that tests are performed correctly.

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