
Liebherr Academy: Machine Training Center (MTC)

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- Exploiting the full potential of Liebherr machines

As in all industries, gear cutting specialists have to keep up with the latest technological developments. At the Machine Training Center (MTC) in Kempten, Liebherr experts teach the necessary know-how on site or online: professional and practical training courses on operation and maintenance help participants get the most out of their Liebherr machines.

The six men and women are concentrating on the large monitor in the training room. It is showing the machining area of the gear cutting machine where chips are flying as a first part is being manufactured. Beforehand, the participants carried out a joint machining area and operator-side collision analysis with regard to chamfering parallel to the cycle time. Afterwards, the group splits up. Half of them parameterize the tool and workpiece files for the machine setup on the simulator, while the others set up the machine in manual mode. The trainer is always on hand with help and advice.

The teams now watch each others’ actions and routines via the cameras inside the machine. Next, the gear produced is cleaned and measured on the adjacent measuring machine. The measuring protocol is projected onto the large screen. This allows everyone to discuss the necessary corrections together and adjust the parameters. The corrected measurement data is then transmitted to the gear cutting machine via the general data exchange (GDE) interface and displayed there.

Professional and practical

This pleasant learning environment is at the Machine Training Center (MTC) of Liebherr-Verzahntechnik GmbH in Kempten. The new, bright training rooms are equipped with the latest technology the world of gear making has to offer: an LC 280 gear cutting machine with ChamferCut device, an LGG 280 gear grinding machine and a WGT measuring machine. Here, the participants find out in detail what the machines can do, so that later they can fully and efficiently exploit that potential – and they do this by manufacturing real workpieces. After completing the training, they receive a certificate. If any questions arise when they return to their day-to-day work, they can ask the service team for advice.

State-of-the-art media technology

The media technology at the site is state-of-the-art. Up to eight cameras transmit images from different perspectives inside the machine to large monitors. Even the smallest components of the machine electronics can be easily seen by all participants using the visualizer. Various scenarios can be tested on simulators without the risk of damaging an expensive machine. “The simulators take away the fear of breaking something. Everyone is then much more relaxed when they actually come to use the machine,” says Markus Bahsler, head of the Liebherr Academy. “The training teaches them to use the ideal parameters.”


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Responsable del contenido de esta nota de prensa: Liebherr-Verzahntechnik GmbH Verzahntechnik und Automationssysteme

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