Werkzeugmaschinen, Vertrieb und Service
Gewerbestraße 5 a
85652 Pliening / Germany
Phone: +49-(0)89-90 50 94 - 0
Telefax: +49-(0)89-90 50 94 - 90
E-Mail: info@hurco.de
Internet: www.hurco.de
Commercial register: Local Court of Munich HRB 67 903
VAT: DE 129 378 783
Responsible for content: Hurco GmbH, represented by Managing Director Mr. Michael Auer
Werkzeugmaschinen, Vertrieb und Service
Gewerbestraße 5 a
85652 Pliening / Germany
Phone: +49-(0)89-90 50 94 - 0
Telefax: +49-(0)89-90 50 94 - 90
E-Mail: info@hurco.de
Internet: www.hurco.de
Commercial register: Local Court of Munich HRB 67 903
VAT: DE 129 378 783
Responsible for content: Hurco GmbH, represented by Managing Director Mr. Michael Auer