FANUC at EMO 2013, impressions
28 de febrero de 2014
409 Llamadas
Overwhelming interest and enthusiastic visitors at the EMO show that our superior products are the preferred solution for factory automation.
On a booth of 2000m² of innovative technology, visitors had the opportunity to discover more than 20 ROBOMACHINES (Robodrill, Robocut and Roboshot) demonstrating a wide range of innovative, and efficient solutions. Unique features and highlights of FANUC CNCs were presented with more than 50 examples, 30 different robots from the world's smallest delta robot M- 1iA to the highest payload heavy duty robot M- 2000iA, impressively demonstrating a pioneering state of factory automation.
On a booth of 2000m² of innovative technology, visitors had the opportunity to discover more than 20 ROBOMACHINES (Robodrill, Robocut and Roboshot) demonstrating a wide range of innovative, and efficient solutions. Unique features and highlights of FANUC CNCs were presented with more than 50 examples, 30 different robots from the world's smallest delta robot M- 1iA to the highest payload heavy duty robot M- 2000iA, impressively demonstrating a pioneering state of factory automation.
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