SeguidoresFabricanteDATRON AG
Grupo de producto Dental milling tools | Dispositivos fresadores
Nombre del productoDATRON Dental-Fräswerkzeuge
With more than 3,400 milling machines installed world-wide and more than 20 years of expertise in high-speed machining, DATRON is the leading specialist when it comes to milling with small tools. Our team of tool experts is happy to share the latest technological trends and future-oriented machining approaches. Milling tools for Zirconium oxide, CoCr/Titanium, PMMA/Wax und Nanocomposite are available. No matter which indication: our product catalogue features a wide range of tools for all your dental milling needs. Idividual tools are also possible.
DATRON dental milling tools are also compatible with many popular dental mills - without losing quality. This way, you can use dental mills from different producers and still buy all needed dental milling tools conveniently from one online shop.