Seguidores 53Seguidores
Responsible for the contents of this store is (according to § 5 TMG):
ATMH Werkzeugmaschinen
Inh. Ahmet Tüfekci
Reichsbahnstraße 19
D-58089 Hagen
Represented by: Ahmet Tüfekci
Tel: +49 2331 / 20 444 11
Fax: +49 2331 / 30 60 102
eMail: info@atmh.de
VAT ID according to § 27a Value Added Tax Act: DE 251635692
ATMH Werkzeugmaschinen
Inh. Ahmet Tüfekci
Reichsbahnstraße 19
D-58089 Hagen
Represented by: Ahmet Tüfekci
Tel: +49 2331 / 20 444 11
Fax: +49 2331 / 30 60 102
eMail: info@atmh.de
VAT ID according to § 27a Value Added Tax Act: DE 251635692