Seguidores 244Seguidores
FabricanteWFL Millturn Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
Grupo de producto Centro de mecanizado universal | Centros de mecanizado universales
Nombre del productoM150 MILLTURN
Información técnica
Distancia entre ejes mm
Translated with DeepL2000/3000/5000/6500/8000/*
Carro ø circunferencial TOP mm
Translated with DeepL1480
ø de giro máx. mm
Translated with DeepL1560/1520/1500/1460/1440
Potencia máx. del husillo de giro al 60% (100%) ED kW
Translated with DeepL71(60) // 126(100)
Par de giro máx. del husillo al 100% ED Nm
Translated with DeepL4470/7100 // 6200/9860
Velocidad máx. de giro del husillo min-1
Translated with DeepL1600/1000 // 1600/1000
Potencia máx. del husillo de fresado al 100% ED kW
Translated with DeepL30/55
Par de giro máx. del husillo de fresado al 100% ED Nm
Translated with DeepL730
Velocidad máx. del husillo de fresado min-1
Translated with DeepL3200
Ángulo de oscilación grados del eje B
Translated with DeepL-110...+90
Eje Y de traslación, 30kW mm
Translated with DeepL800(-450...+350)
Recorrido del eje X mm
Translated with DeepL1120(-20...+1100)
Almacén de herramientas No.
Translated with DeepL36/72/108/*
Control SIEMENS Tipo
Translated with DeepLSINUMERIK 840D sl
Combining all machining and measuring operations into a single MILLTURN complete machining centre from WFL massively increases the efficiency of your manufacturing. The unique MILLTURN machine concept and turning-boring-milling unit with gearbox guarantees unparalleled chipping performance with the highest level of precision. An investment that pays dividends very quickly.
Find the right MILLTURN for your application:
WFL currently has over 20 different MILLTURN models available: With turning lengths from 1000 to 14000 mm and turning diameters from 520 to 2000 mm, an extensive range of workpieces can be machined completely. Almost all MILLTURN models are also available as counter spindle variants (with the identification ? G).
? Wide range of machining technologies
? Highest level of productivity
? Highest stability and precision
? Highest flexibility in manufacturing
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