Lightweight for Climate protection
The targeted climate protection goals and the sustainable use of raw materials are leading to changes in legislation (CO2 price, recycled material quotas), which also have an impact on the mechanical and plant engineering sector. In an online exchange of experiences organised by ProduktionNRW on 22 September, the topic was how to seize opportunities for one's own company from the newly emerging framework conditions and how to overcome challenges. In addition, funding opportunities in the field of lightweight construction were discussed and what successful cooperation within the framework of a joint project might look like.
In a preliminary survey, more than 50% of the participants, most of whom came from the development and design divisions, classified themselves as "beginners" in the subject areas of "lightweight construction" and especially "design for recycling". Opportunities for mechanical and plant engineering are seen, among other things, in the use of lightweight construction to increase resource and energy efficiency - and thus also a possible reduction in costs. Challenges mentioned by the participants included the need to build up more expertise in lightweight construction and the need to clarify questions of cost and feasibility.
Dámaso López Ruiz, project manager of the VDMA working group Hybrid Lightweight Technologies, gave an overview of lightweight construction from the perspective of the association. Lightweight construction is one of the decisive future and key technologies and has the potential to make a significant contribution to achieving the necessary climate and sustainability goals for numerous industries. Due to its importance, the topic is supported, among others, by the technology transfer programme Lightweight Construction of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Using the example of the "Digital Design for Recycling Process" project, Prof. Schlichter and Mr Froning from ITA Augsburg gGmbH, among others, demonstrated how cooperation between universities and companies can work. Mr Würtele, Director Global Innovation & Basic Development, presented and explained sustainable lightweight construction from the perspective of KraussMaffei.
The exchange showed that the demand for carbon fibres, for example, will continue to increase - but with it also the waste of fibres that accumulates during production or at the end of the product life cycle. Therefore, an approach to close the cycle of lightweight products must be found - with the "Design for Recycling" approach this can succeed.