SeguidoresFabricanteLiebherr-Verzahntechnik GmbH Verzahntechnik und Automationssysteme
Grupo de producto Herramientas de afeitado y desbarbado
Nombre del productoSkiving Tools
Field tests have clearly shown that the mathematical mastery
of the process and the coordination thereof to tool and machine is the key to success. This was proven during customer trials.
- Two to five times faster than gear shaping
- One to two quality grades better than gear shaping
- Excellent single indexing quality at the workpiece
- Tool life similar to gear shaping
- Available tool designs: conical and cylindrical
- Process-optimized tool design
- Tools available in PM-HSS and carbide
(also with indexable inserts)
- Dry skiving possible
- Pressure angle and lead modification possible