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ISCAR Germany GmbH
Eisenstockstr. 14
76275 Ettlingen
2 jul 2024 11:43| Un vídeo ha sido añadido
ISCAR Creativity Beyond Limits
#ISCAR, #MetalCuttingTool, #NEOITA, #CreativityBeyondLimits
17 jul 2018 14:57| Un producto ha sido añadido
Herramientas de precisión > Herramientas de corte > Fresas a candela
23 abr 2014 16:06| 2 los productos han sido añadidos
slide 3 of 2DOVE IQ MILL 845
Herramientas de precisión > Herramientas de corte > Fresas de planear
The new IQ845 family is a milling face mills with a square double-sided inserts with 8 cutting edges. The milling cutters feature a very soft cut due to a high positive cutting edge inclination which features a very good surface finish in roughing applications as well.
• High positive cutter pocket inclination
• Rigid clamping due to dovetail pocket design secured by clamping screws
• Coarse and fine pitch cutter configurations
• Coolant holes directed to every insert on the c...MarketingISCAR Germany GmbHT-Slot Cutters
Herramientas de precisión > Herramientas de corte > Fresas para ranuras en T
ISCAR introducing the SD-SP15 T-Slot Cutters, a new family of narrow slotting and groove milling cutters. The new cutters consist of interchangeable solid carbide T-slot milling heads and a cylindrical steel shank, assembled by means of a unique spline connection.
• 32 mm diameter milling heads with 8 teeth
• Width range of 2 to 5 mm
• Depth of cut up to 8 mmMarketingISCAR Germany GmbHDOVE IQ MILL 845
Herramientas de precisión > Herramientas de corte > Fresas de planear
The new IQ845 family is a milling face mills with a square double-sided inserts with 8 cutting edges. The milling cutters feature a very soft cut due to a high positive cutting edge inclination which features a very good surface finish in roughing applications as well.
• High positive cutter pocket inclination
• Rigid clamping due to dovetail pocket design secured by clamping screws
• Coarse and fine pitch cutter configurations
• Coolant holes directed to every insert on the c...MarketingISCAR Germany GmbHT-Slot Cutters
Herramientas de precisión > Herramientas de corte > Fresas para ranuras en T
ISCAR introducing the SD-SP15 T-Slot Cutters, a new family of narrow slotting and groove milling cutters. The new cutters consist of interchangeable solid carbide T-slot milling heads and a cylindrical steel shank, assembled by means of a unique spline connection.
• 32 mm diameter milling heads with 8 teeth
• Width range of 2 to 5 mm
• Depth of cut up to 8 mmMarketingISCAR Germany GmbHDOVE IQ MILL 845
Herramientas de precisión > Herramientas de corte > Fresas de planear
The new IQ845 family is a milling face mills with a square double-sided inserts with 8 cutting edges. The milling cutters feature a very soft cut due to a high positive cutting edge inclination which features a very good surface finish in roughing applications as well.
• High positive cutter pocket inclination
• Rigid clamping due to dovetail pocket design secured by clamping screws
• Coarse and fine pitch cutter configurations
• Coolant holes directed to every insert on the c...MarketingISCAR Germany GmbHT-Slot Cutters
Herramientas de precisión > Herramientas de corte > Fresas para ranuras en T
ISCAR introducing the SD-SP15 T-Slot Cutters, a new family of narrow slotting and groove milling cutters. The new cutters consist of interchangeable solid carbide T-slot milling heads and a cylindrical steel shank, assembled by means of a unique spline connection.
• 32 mm diameter milling heads with 8 teeth
• Width range of 2 to 5 mm
• Depth of cut up to 8 mmMarketingISCAR Germany GmbH