Hola Kreutz.
Asi como a ti te parecian caros los motores a mi tambien , y no entendia porque habiendo opciones mas economicas se insistia en estos, sobre todo cuando yo se que el diseñador esta tratando de mantener costos bajos sin sacrificar calidad y esta fue su respuesta .
To summarise the choices of motors....

1. Best cut quality (highest step frequency) will be obtained with the most expensive $257/motor option from Oriental Motor. (The backlash factor of these gearboxes is not discussed much - that is a bit of an unknown)

2. A commercially acceptable cut quality (smoothed with a few wipes of sandpaper if necessary) could be obtained with direct drive motors from about $50 to $110 each (Chinese) or $200 (Japanese). (Backlash is not a factor with this option. I have years of experience with this setup and 99% of our customers are happy with the cut quality)
¿Tu que opinas sobre el concepto de " highest step frequency"? y perdona por salirme del tema basico que es la fuente de poder