3 new Scraping Classes with Richard King in Germany
10Jul. 2017
MarketingBIAX - Schmid & Wezel GmbH el 10 de julio de 2017 14:33 horas
Three new scraping classes in Germany with Richard King, the "King of Scraping":
Week 47 in 75433 Maulbronn
Week 48 in 57555 Mudersbach
Week 49 in 59075 Hamm
Language: English with translation to German
Participation fee: 1.500 EUR for 5 days (lunch, snacks, soft drinks included)
The number of participants is limited. Apply at f.pachomow@biax.de or Tel. +49-7043-10232.
Watch a video of one of Richard King's classes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzXZ-0EOTNw