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  1. #11
    Fecha de Ingreso
    18 Nov, 07
    Ahí esta mi propuesta Golem, echale un ojo.

    Cita Iniciado por Golem Ver Mensaje
    G81 Fixed Boring Cycle = Ciclo fijo de barrenado (o puede ser taladrado segun la región)
    G82 Fixed Boring Cycle with Dwell = Ciclo fijo de barrenado con detencion (o puede ser pausa)
    G83 Fixed Boring Cycle with Withdrawal = Ciclo fijo de barrenado con retirada (Se refiere a retirar el cortador para limpiar el barreno)
    G85 Fixed Reaming Cycle = Ciclo fijo de escariado
    G89 Fixed Reaming Cycle with Dwell = Ciclo fijo de escariado con detención


  2. #12
    Fecha de Ingreso
    16 Dec, 09
    Hola a todos!!
    Genial!!, la verdad es que en españa se dice taladrado en lugar de barrenado, asi que lo traducire como taladrado. Lo que me estaba matando, que no sabia como traducir exactamente, era dwell.
    Pero si me dices que significa detencion pues muuucho mejor. Luego pondre el archivo completo para ver que os parece.
    C5CNC, el que pidio la traduccion al foro, lo quiere para el fin de semana y asi poder subirlo a la red. Me mando otro archivo, el de la ayuda, pero ese ya son diez paginas y es otra historia jejejeje.

    Bueno gracias y esta noche lo subo. Si podeis revisarlo mejor. El domingo se lo enviare todo, asi que se agradecen las aporteciones!!

    Es mas facil saber hacer una cosa que hacerla!!
    It's easier to know how to do one thing than doing it!!

  3. #13
    Fecha de Ingreso
    16 Dec, 09
    Hola a todos!!
    Lo prometido es deuda, aqui esta el archivo:

    Hi Golem,
    thanks for offering your help.

    I will sent you 2 files.
    The first one is necessary to run the program in Spanish.
    The second one is a Help file which would be a good support for Spanish users but it is not absolutely necessary.

    I will give you the first file right now. It is the French language module, so you would only need to replace the French

    words for Spanish.
    Henk Verschuren

    [Mikes Free Interface, Language Resource]

    ; last edit May-30 2010
    ; complies with MFI V1.4.1

    ; From Mikes Free Interface, change the language of the interface by simply opening a language file same way as if it was a

    CNC file.
    ; You may keep the language files at any location you want, although at startup MFI will look for a file named

    "LANGUAGE.TXT" in the program files folder where MikesFreeInterface is starting from.
    ; You could make a copy of your favourite language, rename it to "LANGUAGE.TXT" and save it in the program folder to make

    it your default language.

    ; Creating your own language file:
    ; 1) Make a copy of one of the supplied language files and rename it (you will also find language files at

    ; Any extension is allowed, but .TXT makes it easier to find the file from the editor.
    ; 2) Edit the file with a plain text editor, translating all words after the " = " sign.
    ; Be careful not to change any of the words before the " = " sign or any of the [chapter] words as this will prevent

    proper interpretation.
    ; You may freely change or add comment lines beginning with a ";" sign.
    ; The names of the chapters are enclosed in "[ ]". Changing the order of the chapters will cause misreading.
    ; 3) In case you also translate the help files be sure to rename them, define these names in the Language Module in chapter

    [System Variables] and place them in the program folder where MFI will be started from, subfolder \Help

    [System Variables]
    Language Name = Spanol
    Translated by = Javier Otero
    Help File Name = Help_SP.rtf

    ; An ampersand (&) defines wich character will serve as quick-access-key, after ALT-key was pressed

    [menu File]
    File = &Fichero
    Open = &Abrir
    New = &Nuevo
    Save = &Guardar
    Save As = Guardar &como
    Draw = &Dibujar
    Print = &Imprimir
    Exit = Sa&lir

    [menu Settings]
    Settings = &Ajustes
    Preset Feed A = Pre-reglaje Avance A
    Preset Feed B = Pre-reglaje Avance B
    Machine = Maquina
    Emco Compact5 CNC (mk2) = Emco Compact5 CNC (mk2)
    Emco Compact5 CNC (mk4) = Emco Compact5 CNC (mk4)
    Emco F1 CNC = Emco F1 CNC
    Units = &Unidades
    mm = mm
    inch = pulgada
    AutoWidth = &Ancho automatico
    Printer Font = Fuente de impresión
    Increment Color = Color en incrementales
    Absolute Color = Color en absolutas
    Com Ports = Puertos Com
    Reset all = Reiniciar todo

    [menu Transfer]
    Transfer = &Transferir
    Transmit to Emco = &Enviar a Emco
    Receive from Emco = &Recibir desde Emco

    [menu Convert]
    Convert = &Convertir
    mm to inch = mm en pulgadas
    inch to mm = pulgadas en mm
    Calculator = &Calculadora
    Delete all comments = Borrar todos los comentarios

    [menu Help]
    Help = &Ayuda
    Help = Ayuda
    G-Code = Codigo G
    About = &Acerca de

    [G-code MK2]
    G00 Rapid Traverse = Desplazamiento rapido
    G01 Linear Interpolation = Interpolacion lineal
    G02 CW Circular Interpolation = Interpolacion circular sentido horario
    G03 CCW Circular Interpolation = Interpolacion circular sentido anti-horario
    G20 Programmed Stop (Pause) = Parada programada
    G21 Empty Line = Linea vacia
    G22 End of Program = Fin de programa
    G23 Output switch or pulse X62 = Salida de pulso o interruptor X62
    G24 Radius Mode (ABS mode only)= Introduccion del radio (Modo Absolutas)
    G26 Tool Change and Compensation = Cambio de herramienta y compensación
    G33 Threading = Roscado
    G78 Threading Cycle = Ciclo de roscado
    G84 Longitudinal Cycle = Ciclo longitudinal
    G90 Absolute (diameter) Mode = Modo absolutas (diametro)
    G91 Incremental Mode = Modo incremental
    G92 Set XZ Register (+ ABS/diameter mode) = Fijar registro XZ (Absolutas/diametro)
    G94 Feed in mm/min (or in/min) = Avance en mm/min (o pulgada/min)
    G95 Feed in mm/rev (or in/rev) = Avance en mm/vuelta (o pulgada/vuelta)

    [G-code MK4]
    G00 Rapid Traverse = Desplazamiento rapido
    G01 Linear Interpolation = Interpolacion lineal
    G02 CW Circular Interpolation = Interpolacion circular sentido horario
    G03 CCW Circular Interpolation = Interpolacion circular sentido anti-horario
    G04 Dwell xxxx/100 sec. = Detencion xxxx/100 sec.
    G21 Empty Line = Linea vacia
    G24 Radius Mode (ABS mode only)= Introduccion del radio (Modo Absolutas)
    G25 Sub-routine call = Llamada a sub rutina.
    G27 Jump Instruction = Saltar instruccion
    G33 Threading = Roscado
    G73 Drilling Cycle with Chip Breakage = Ciclo de taladrado con rotura de viruta
    G78 Threading Cycle = Ciclo de roscado
    G81 Drilling Cycle = Ciclo de taladrado
    G82 Drilling Cycle with Dwell = Ciclo de taladrado con detencion
    G83 Drilling Cycle with Withdrawal = Ciclo de taladrado con retirada
    G84 Longitudinal Cycle = Ciclo longitudinal
    G85 Reaming Cycle = Ciclo de escariado
    G86 Grooving Cycle = Ciclo de ranurado
    G88 Facing Cycle = Ciclo planeado
    G89 Reaming Cycle with Dwell = Ciclo de escariado con detencion
    G90 Absolute (diameter) Mode = Modo absolutas (diametro)
    G91 Incremental Mode = Modo incremental
    G92 Set XZ Register (+ ABS/diameter mode) = Fijar registro XZ (Absolutas/diametro)
    G94 Feed in mm/min (or in/min) = Avance en mm/min (o pulgada/min)
    G95 Feed in mm/rev (or in/rev) = Avance en mm/vuelta (o pulgada/vuelta)

    [G-code F1]
    G00 Rapid Traverse = Desplazamiento rapido
    G01 Linear Interpolation = Interpolacion lineal
    G02 CW Circular Interpolation = Interpolacion circular sentido horario
    G03 CCW Circular Interpolation = Interpolacion circular sentido anti-horario
    G04 Dwell xxxx/100 sec. = Detencion xxxx/100 sec.
    G21 Empty Line = Linea vacia
    G25 Sub-routine call = Llamada a sub rutina.
    G27 Jump Instruction = Saltar instruccion
    G40 Tool Radius compensation cancelled = Cancelada compensacion del radio de herramienta
    G45 Add Tool Radius = Sumar radio de herramienta
    G46 Subtract Tool Radius = Restar radio de herramienta
    G47 Add Tool Radius twice = Sumar dos veces el radio de herramienta
    G48 Subtract Tool Radius twice = Restar dos veces el radio de herramienta
    G72 Pocket milling Cycle = Ciclo de cajeado
    G73 Chip Breaking Cycle = Ciclo de rotura de viruta
    G81 Fixed Boring Cycle = Ciclo fijo de taladrado
    G82 Fixed Boring Cycle with Dwell = Ciclo fijo de tealadrado con detencion
    G83 Fixed Boring Cycle with Withdrawal = Ciclo de taladrado con retirada
    G85 Fixed Reaming Cycle = Ciclo de escariado
    G89 Fixed Reaming Cycle with Dwell = Cilo de escariado con detencion
    G90 Absolute Mode = Modo absolutas
    G91 Incremental Mode = Modo incremental
    G92 Set XYZ Register (ABS) = Fijar registro XYZ (Absolutas)

    [M-Code MK4]
    M00 Programmed Stop (Pause) = Parada programada (Pausa)
    M03 Spindle ON = Giro eje ON
    M05 Spindle OFF = Giro eje OFF
    M06 Tool Change and Compensation = Cambio de herramienta y radio
    M08 Switch output X62 PIN 15 HIGH = Interruptor de salida X62 PIN 15 Alta
    M09 Switch output X62 PIN 15 LOW = Interruptor de salida X62 PIN 15 Baja
    M17 Return to Main Program = Retorno al programa principal
    M22 Switch output X62 PIN 18 HIGH = Interruptor de salida X62 PIN 18 Alta
    M23 Switch output X62 PIN 18 LOW = Interruptor de salida X62 PIN 18 Baja
    M26 Output pulses X62 PIN 20 = Salida de impulsos X62 PIN 20
    M30 End of Program = Fin de programa
    M98 Compensation of Play = Compensacion del juego
    M99 Partial Arc Center = Centro del arco parcial
    M99RPartial Arc Radius = Radio del arco parcial

    [M-Code F1]
    M00 Programmed Stop (Pause) = Parada programada (Pausa)
    M03 Spindle ON = Giro eje ON
    M05 Spindle OFF = Giro eje OFF
    M06 Tool Change and Radius = Cambio de herramienta y radio
    M08 Switch output X62 PIN 15 HIGH = Interruptor de salida X62 PIN 15 Alta
    M09 Switch output X62 PIN 15 LOW = Interruptor de salida X62 PIN 15 Baja
    M17 Return to Main Program = Retorno al programa principal
    M20 Switch output X62 PIN 7 HIGH = Interruptor de salida X62 PIN 7 Alta
    M21 Switch output X62 PIN 7 LOW = Interruptor de salida X62 PIN 7 Baja
    M22 Switch output X62 PIN 18 HIGH = Interruptor de salida X62 PIN 18 Alta
    M23 Switch output X62 PIN 18 LOW = Interruptor de salida X62 PIN 18 Baja
    M26 Output pulses X62 PIN 20 = Salida de impulsos X62 PIN 20
    M30 End of Program = Fin de programa
    M98 Compensation of Play = Compensacion del juego
    M99 Partial Arc Center = Centro del arco parcial
    M99RPartial Arc Radius = Radio del arco parcial

    Open = Abrir
    New = Nuevo
    Save = Guardar
    Print = Imprimir
    axes = Ejes
    Draw Toolpath = Dibujar recorrido

    [ListView Headers]
    N = N
    G = G
    X = X
    Y = Y
    Z = Z
    F = F
    H = H
    Error in line = Error en linea
    Tool X = Herramienta X
    Tool Y = Herramienta Y
    Tool Z = Herramienta Z
    Center X = Centro X
    Center Y = Centro Y
    Center Z = Centro Z
    Radius = Radio
    Angle = Anguloº
    Time = Tiempo
    Comment = Comentario

    [Frame Path]
    Current File = Archivo actual
    File Path = Ruta de archivo

    [Frame Set & Replace]
    Set/Replace = Ajustar/Reemplazar
    Feed A = Avance A
    Feed B = Avance B

    [Frame View]
    View = Vista
    Tool Position = Posición herramienta
    Line Properties = Linea de propiedades
    File Notes = Notas
    Gcode = Gcode
    Machine Time = Tiempo Maquina

    [Frame axes Properties]
    axes Properties = Propiedades de los ejes
    Min = Min
    Max = Max
    Travel = Recorrido
    X-axis = Eje X
    Y-Axis = Eje Y
    Z-Axis = Eje Z

    [Frame Program Properties]
    Program Properties = Propiedades de programa
    Machine Type = Tipo de Maquina
    Units = Unidades
    Lines = Lineas
    Lines Executed = Lineas Ejecutadas
    Machine Time = Tiempo Maquina

    [Frame Entry]
    ; Short cut keys ([ALT]+[KEY]) to be programmed by "&" just before the appropiate character
    Parameters = Parametros
    Code = Codigo
    Comment = Comentario
    Newline = &Nueva linea
    Update = &Actualizar
    Run = &Ejecutar
    Step = &Paso a paso
    Stop = Stop
    Insert = &Insertar G21
    Delete = &Borrar

    [Frame File Notes]
    File Notes = Notas

    [Frame ComSettings]
    Transmit = Transmitir
    Receive = Recibir
    G/M-code filter = Filtro codigo G/M
    Standard setting = Ajustes Estandar

    [Program error codes]
    01 !Unknown ControlCommand = !Comando de control desconocido
    02 !Start and End same value = !Inicio y Fin con mismo valor
    03 !1 quadrant max = !1 cuadrante maximo
    04 !G24 must precede G90 = !G24 debe ir precedido de G90
    05 !Invalid SUB = !Subrutina invalida
    06 !Max 5 nested SUBs = !Maximo 5 subrutinas anidadas
    07 !Endless loop = !Bucle sin Fin
    08 !Line doesn't exist = !Falta Linea
    09 !RETURN without SUB = !RETURN sin SUB.
    10 !Must be preceded by G02/03 = !Debe ir precedido de G02/03
    11 !No % allowed = !% no permitido
    12 !Division-of-cut error = !Error Division-de-corte
    13 !Not a full quadrant = !Cuadrante no completo
    14 !Invalid arc parameters = !Paramatros del Arco invalidos
    15 !Radius too small = !Radio demasidado pequeño
    16 !Must be preceded by M06 = !Debe ir precedido de M06
    17 !Pocket too small for tool radius = !Cajeado demasiado pequeño para radio de herramienta

    [Error Messages]
    01 No Lines of code present = Faltan lineas de codigo
    02 No code selected = Codigo no seleccionado
    03 Delete selected line? = Borrar la linea seleccionada?
    04 Maximum number of lines has been reached = Maximo numero de lineas alcanzado
    05 Invalid data = Datos invalidos
    06 Entered value must be numeric = El valor introducido debe ser numerico
    07 Confirm = Confirmar
    08 No 3-d allowed = 3D no permitido
    09 Unknown code = Codigo desconocido

    01 Do you want to save the open file now? = Desea guardar el fichero abierto ahora?
    02 File has been changed. Clear anyway? = El fichero ha cambiado. Limpiar?
    03 Continue? = Continuar?
    04 Clear? = Borrar?
    05 No file specified = Fichero no especificado
    06 Transmitting: = Transmitiendo:
    07 Port = Puerto
    08 Open = Abrir
    09 Closed = Cerrar
    10 Error = Error
    11 minimum = minimo
    12 maximum = maximo
    13 Program Version = Version del programa
    14 Language Module = Modulo de Idioma
    ; The file (filename) does not appear to be an Emco CNC formatted file
    15 The file = El fichero
    16 does not appear to be an Emco CNC formatted file = no parece ser un fichero con formato Emco
    17 File Recognizing Problem = Problema reconociendo el archivo
    ;(filename) has been saved
    18 has been saved = ha sido guardado
    ;Lowest/highest value for this field is (value)
    19 Lowest value for this field is = El valor mas bajo para este campo es
    20 Highest value for this field is = El valor mas alto para este campo es
    21 Translated by = Traducido por
    22 max RPM = Max. rev/min
    23 L = I
    24 R = D
    25 To maximise the screen, drag down taskbar until it is invisible or set it to auto hide = Para maximizar la pantalla,

    arrastre hacia abajo la barra hasta que desaparezca o modifique sus propiedades a Auto ocultar.
    26 The lower part of your view will be blocked by the taskbar. You could drag down the taskbar until it is invisible or set

    it to auto hide = La parte inferior de la vista sera bloqueada por la barra de tareas. Puede arrastrar hacia abajo la barra

    hasta que desaparezca o modificar sus propiedades a Auto ocultar.

    [DRAW Frame View]
    View = Vista
    Radii Arcs = Radio arcos
    Tool Width = Longitud herramienta
    Tool Center = Centro herramienta
    Fill Cycles = Rellenar ciclos
    Program = Programa
    Grid = Regilla
    Background = Fondo
    Diameter = Diametro
    AutoRedraw = AutoRedibujar
    Measure = Medida

    [DRAW Buttons]
    AutoFit = Autoajustar
    Zero Point = Punto Cero
    Redraw = Redibujar
    Step = Paso a paso
    Print = Imprimir
    Editor = Editor
    Abort = Abortar

    [DRAW Combo Run]
    01 Run = Ejecutar
    02 Step = Paso a paso
    03 Interval1 = Intervalo 1
    04 Interval2 = Intervalo 2
    05 Interval3 = Intervalo 3

    [DRAW Combo Scale]
    01 Scale ÷ 8 = Escala 1/8
    02 Scale ÷ 4 = Escala 1/4
    03 Scale ÷ 2 = Escala 1/2
    04 Scale x 1 = Escala 1/1
    05 Scale x 2 = Escala 2/1
    06 Scale x 4 = Escala 4/1
    07 Scale x 8 = Escala 8/1
    08 Scale x 16 = Escala 16/1
    09 Scale x 32 = Escala 32/1
    10 Scale x 64 = Escala 64/1

    [DRAW Window]
    01 X-diameter = Diametro X
    02 X-radius = Radio X

    [DRAW Error Message]
    01 Circle parameter wrong = Parametros de circulo erroneos
    02 Program error = Error de Programa
    03 Too many subprog-Calls = Demasiadas llamadas a subprogramas
    04 max 5 subcalls = max 5 llamadas a subprogramas
    05 Radius too small = Radio demasiado pequeño
    06 ControlCommand not recognised = Comando de Control no reconocido
    ;(Error) in line (number)
    07 in line = en linea

    [DRAW Message]
    ; 1Division = (value) x 0.01mm
    ; 1Division = (value) x 0.01 pulgadas
    01 1Division = 1Division
    02 x 0.01mm = x 0.01mm
    03 1Division = 1Division
    04 x 0.01 Inch = x 0.01 pulgadas
    05 Distance = Distancia

    [TRANSFER Frames]
    Received Code from Emco = Recepción de codigo desde Emco
    Add File Notes = Añadir notas al fichero

    [TRANSFER Buttons Tooltips]
    Bring Code to MFI editor = Transferir Codigo al editor MFI
    Exit Transfer Mode = Salir Modo Transferir datos
    Clear Received Code = Eliminar codigo recibido
    Save Received Code = Guardar codigo recibido

    Es mas facil saber hacer una cosa que hacerla!!
    It's easier to know how to do one thing than doing it!!

  4. #14
    Fecha de Ingreso
    19 Jan, 09
    the Netherlands

    MFI in Spanish language

    Hi Golem,

    thanks for the Spanish translation of MFI.
    I noticed the program to be downloaded very often from Spanish speaking countries, so you did a lot of people around the world a big favor.

    Anyone who is looking for an editor/simulator for Emco Compact 5 CNC of F1CNC may download MFI for free. Check www.mikesfreeinterface.com


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